Keep Those Pesky Pests From Devouring Your Hostas
SLUGS!!! Hostas #1 Enemy
Join New Hampshire Hostas' owner Richard Merritt as he explains some cultural habits and deterrents to keep slugs and snails away from your hosta garden.View our video and read Richard's article on Using Organic Bait To STOP Slugs & Snails From Devouring Your Hostas

Do Voles Ruin Your Garden?
Here's how New Hampshire Hostas' grower, Richard Merritt, uses an environmentally-friendly organic solution to prevent those pesky critters from destroying his extensive hosta gardens and lawn.
Oh, Deer! How To Keep Deer From Nibbling On Your Hosta
Deer can be quite destructive to our ornamental gardens and especially our hostas. See these organic deterrents for how to keep deer away from your hostas.